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At MDA-Development, we believe that total project management and control are the keys to a successful project for both, you, our clients, and for MDA-Development. We utilize a total team approach to successfully manage our projects. The team consists, first of all, of you (our clients), of MDA-Development's design staff, of all associated contractors and their respective subcontractors. The structure of this team is such that MDA-Development is allowed total project charge and responsibility of the entire project. We believe that this ensures compliance to the contract documents, minimizes needless field-directed construction orders and is in the best interest of you, our client. When change orders are necessary -- due to the complexity of the observed field- conditions or to previously-undetected variables discovered later in the field -- you, our clients are brought into the discussions. Also included in such discussions are MDA-Development design staff and the appropriate contractor or subcontractor. If these occasions arise, you, our clients, are advised and -- together -- we work to minimize the impact upon the overall project budget and schedule. Creating and implementing such solutions quickly and efficiently is one of the major reasons that enhanced communication is so essential to the success of the total MDA-Development project-management effort. Change orders can also occur as a result of clients changing their minds, after the contracts have been executed, about what they wanted. It is possible for this to happen in the design phase of the project, as well. MDA-Development openly advises their clients as to the necessary deadlines for design decisions. We are also open regarding subsequent penalties for additional client changes. This is not done to penalize the clients. Rather, it occurs to guarantee that the design- build process is brought in on time and budget as guaranteed by MDA-Development. This process protects the client, the many contractors who have mobilized their work forces on site and MDA-Development to ensure a professional job and successful end- result for all. MDA-Development also provides a high level of professional Construction Management and Administrative services to you, our clients, on all projects. Some projects require a knowledgeable advocate or mediator, unrelated to the contractor, to represent the owner's interests. Should such a case arise, we at MDA-Development can offer our services as a Construction Mediator, to aid you, the owners. As a Construction Mediator, we help you to work out with the contractors the important and often- technical issues that can accompany a project. When working as a
total Construction Manager, we work as an agent for you, the
owner. We represent your
interests and help you to achieve your goals with minimal
difficulty and interruption. With Design- Build on your side,
you, the
owner, can relax. You can rest assured that an experienced
advocate -- well- versed in the complex construction-related issues required to accomplish
a successful project -- is at work for you.
Copyright 2002. All rights reserved. Designed by MDA. Ltd., February 2002 |